
“niiti”, a Sanskrit word means, in different contexts, policy, ethics, tenets. To us, who belong here, it is our raison d’etre, our touchstone. So we constantly turn to our ethics and tenets when we re-examine the basis of what we do and how we do it over and over again. This is our space to engage with our core, with you, our readers and companions on the path towards an equitable society in the deepest meaning of the word. Over the past years, there are several social issues and organisations that we have engaged with and been enriched with both experience and knowledge along the way. We believe that in creating a conversation platform for those engaged in the field, including some of our clients, partners, all of you out there who have reached this site wanting to be the change and others who have expertise to comment and critique, we can actually crowd-source actions and solutions for some of our most pressing social issues.

Some of these stories feature organisations and people who have been the change; others highlight innovative approaches to long-entrenched social issues; yet others point to ways in which change can be facilitated, simply. If you are inspired by them as well and motivated to replicate their work, or want to share inputs on other bright examples like these, do write to us at

This is your platform. Feel free to contribute, critique, and most importantly, converse.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nuru Energy: revolutionizing energy production

Nuru Energy has revolutionized efficient and economical means of energy production. Thus far Nuru Energy has attained the funds to invent two new pieces of technology. 

The first and more famous is the NuruPOWERCycle. The power cycle generates up to 20 minutes worth of light with the requirement of 60 rotations of human pedaling. It is more efficient than solar panels by more than 100 percent. Since the POWERCycle is not affected by the weather, it can be recharged and stored anytime, anywhere. 

The second invention by NuruEnergy is the ultra-portable and rechargeable LED task light. This creation rules out one very specific product: the kerosene lamp. The kerosene lamp is popular in rural India however is also popular for creating poor health and a bad atmosphere. Nuru energy has therefore created an alternative for a major segment of India’s population, as well as in an affordable manner.

In energy entrepreneur lingo there is such a thing called “energy poverty.” Energy poverty is the absence of energy, and it exists among 2 billion people in the world. Despite the global war against pollution and CO2, the developing world is lucky to have light at the flick of a switch. Especially when compared to more societies in the developing world that have even in the year 2013 lived in off-grid areas with no energy. Lack of light means lack of opportunity, prosperity and higher responsibilities like governance. Nuru Energy not only finds solutions to reduce India’s degree of poverty but also does so in a nature-appreciating fashion.
Since inception, Nuru Energy has seen kerosene usage reduce by 35-40% per month. India’s rural has seen village entrepreneurs increase their income by 60% due to their decision to operate on Nuru technology. Thus far in its lifespan, Nuru energy has manufactured 10000 Nuru lights and have positively impacted the lives of consumers in 30 villages. The company has more innovative products to come and is seeking to increase tie-ups with non-profits, and corporations to reach out to more consumers.

“We have 2 lights at home. My mother previously had to use a kerosene lamp to cook and the smoke had given her a bad cough. She now uses the Nuru Light and her cough has improved” – A Nuru Customer.

Name: RamanaBhatra
Location:Hathikhamba Village, Rayagada District, Odisha
Age: 13
Family: Mother, Father, 1 Brother and 1 Sister
Nuru customer since: September, 2011
Services used: Light charging
Closest entrepreneur:Ranjan Lima
Use (hours per night): 4
Previous spending on kerosene (per month): $2
Savings (per month): $0.80
Biggest impact: “I now have a light to study with!”

To know more visit

Iliana Foutsitzis is a recent graduate of Northeastern University's Political Science curriculum. Before embarking on a law degree Iliana is spending a gap year in New Delhi, India interning with the Niiti Consulting team.


  1. Nuru Energy is doing fantastic work in the space of providing basic lighting services in energy deficient areas. Its utility is surely beyond rural areas given the recent power crisis in various states in India. That said, I personally believe that the business holds tremendous potential given slow pace of electrification of rural areas and power shortages in urban areas. Scaling up opportunities will be more profitable by partnering for-profit entities as opposed to NGOs. Must explore tying up with MFIs where they can evolve an efficient financing arrangement as well.

    1. Thank you for the comments and feedback Bharat. We are actually in the midst of tying up with some organized retail and distribution partners. For any specific questions or comments related to Nuru's work in India please feel free to reach me on

  2. Very informative post! There is a lot of information here that can help any business get started with a successful social networking campaign. energy and wellness
